Contributing Organizations:
This page contains videos on subjects of special interest to Civil War period collectors. These videos are provided courtesy of the following organizations.
Conversations with Philatelists Ep 28: Trish Kaufmann (APS)
December 14, 2020
Confederate States of America – Postal Innovation during the Civil War: Trish Kaufmann (APS)
October 30,2020
Kaufmann Civil War Dedication at the American Philatelic Center (APS)
November 8, 2019
United States Demonetization and Transition to the 1861 Design Stamps: Daniel Knowles (CCNY)
Civil War Philatelic Society: Daniel Knowles & Michael O’Reilly (CCNY)
Jenkins’ Express: Dodging the Yanks Along the Rappahannock River: Patricia Kaufmann (CCNY)
The Civil War – A Postal System Divided: Trish Kaufmann (PSLC)
Madison Fla. 3¢ 1861 Postmaster’s Provisionals: Trish Kaufmann (PSLC)
The US Civil War: Daniel J. Ryterband (RPSL)
Note: The first several minutes are muted and show the RPSL members gathering in the presentation room. If you wish to skip this opening period of time, the presentation itself starts around the 13 minute mark. Also, when Dan begins to speak, for a brief period of time you cannot hear him but this is corrected relatively quickly.