- Act of 9 February 1861
Continued in force certain laws of the United States - Act of 21 February 1861
Established the Confederate Post Office Department - Act of 23 February 1861
Prescribed postage rates - Act of 1 March 1861
Postage to be prepaid in money - Act of 15 March 1861
Authorized postmaster general to continue mail contracts - Act of 13 May 1861
Amended postage rates - Act of 29 July 1861
Authorized soldiers to send letters without prepayment of postage - Act of 19 April 1862 (a)
Amended the letter postage rates - Act of 19 April 1862 (b)
Amended the letter postage rates - Act of 10 October 1862
Authorized special agents to oversee speedy transmission of mail across the Mississippi River - Act of 16 April 1863
Authorized Trans-Mississippi Preferred Mail - Act of 1 May 1863
Authorized Trans-Mississippi Express Mail - Act of 31 January 1865<
Authorized newspapers to be mailed to soldiers free of postage
- Act of 9 February 1861