UPDATE: 03/03/25
As outlined below, we are still looking for members to help identify additional targeted venues to present this material. We have individuals who are already trained and available to give this presentation. We are also prepared to help train anyone who wishes to serve as a presenter. If you think you can help, please review the details below and reach out to contact@civilwarphilatelicsociety.org to get started.
Recent Activity
- Richard Murphy is actively working to set up a presentation with a local Civil War Roundtable Group. Once these details are finalized, we will post them here.
- Randy Smith recently completed his 4th offering of this presentation. This time, Randy presented to the Ary Hill Stamp Club (Vienna, VA) on February 20, 2025.
Our thanks to both Richard and Randy for their time and efforts to complete these events.
The CWPS is consistently looking for opportunities to educate others while expanding our reach in the collecting community. We recently announced a powerful tool that can assist in that effort. CWPS member Trish Kaufmann has developed an educational presentation that can be delivered to a wide range of audiences. The presentation covers a broad spectrum of both Union and Confederate Postal History topics. It provides a cross section of topics designed to engage the audience and generate interest in our Society.
We are in need of CWPS members who are willing to share their enthusiasm with others and enlist them to explore this interesting time in our nation’s history. Help is also needed in identifying groups that would be interested in having the CWPS speak at their events. The presentation was created to be given at stamp clubs, stamp shows and other groups such as Civil War Roundtables. Our members are the best source to identify opportunities at local stamp clubs and Civil War related events. We can also share a list of “Civil War Roundtable Groups” throughout the country that may help you target an opportunity close to home.
Call to Action
The hard work has been done. A team of individuals including Trish Kaufmann, Mike O’Reilly and Dan Telep are ready to help you get started. You will be provided with the presentation materials along with supporting documentation to help you prepare for the event. The presentation has been structured to be delivered in 25 to 35 minutes and does not require extensive training or specific in-depth knowledge to present
Take the next Step! Start by contacting the team at contact@civilwarphilatelicsociety.org . A team member will get back to you shortly to assist you.
We will be reporting our progress along the way and publish both upcoming and completed events. We already have several events scheduled with more events in the planning stages.
Completed Events
- February 21, 2024, Springfield Stamp Club (Springfield, VA) Presenter: Randy Smith
- March 23, 2024, St Louis StampExpo (St. Louis, MO) Presenter: Randy Smith
- September 25, 2024, Philatelic Society of Lancaster County (PA) Presenter: Patricia Kaufmann
- October 25, 2024, Balpex Presenter: Randy Smith
- February 20, 2025, Ary Hill Stamp Club (Vienna, VA) Presenter: Randy Smith
Thank you in advance for your help on this important effort for our Society.