The 2025 CWPS Annual Meeting was conducted March 14-16 at the Garfield-Perry March Party. The Society was well represented at the show with 6 exhibitors totaling 33 frames. Below is a complete listing of the awards presented at the show.
Awards presented to CWPS members at the Awards Banquet on Saturday evening
Multi-Frame Exhibits (Large Gold)
John Lighthouse – “Using the Documents of Commerce to Fund the Civil War 1862-1872″ (92 pts)
- APS Medal of Excellence for Pre-1900 Material
- United States Philatelic Classics Society Medal
Leonard Hartmann – “Confederate States of America: The Lithographed General Issues” (92 pts)
- APS Research Medal
Multi-Frame Exhibits (Gold)
Richard Calhoun – “Civil War Postal History of the Virginia Peninsula” (88 pts)
Wayne Farley – “West Virginia in the Confederacy” (88 pts)
Randolph Smith – “Civil War Washington as Seen Through the Drawings of Charles Magnus, Lithographer” (86 pts)
- AAPE Creativity Award
Single Frame Exhibits (Gold)
Leonard Hartmann – “Jean de Sperati: Fake Stamps and Cancellations of the Confederate States of America Stamps” (88 pts)
James Montich – “Mississippi 1861: Post-Secession Use of U.S. Postage” (89 pts)
- AAPE Novice Award
“CWPS Exhibit Awards” presented at the Society dinner on Friday evening
Civil War Philatelic Society Trophy: Awarded to the member exhibiting the best and most comprehensive collection of Civil War stamps and/or covers at the exhibition.
John Lighthouse – “Using the Documents of Commerce to Fund the Civil War 1862-1872”
President’s Trophy: Awarded for the best exhibit of Civil War stamps and/or covers, in any classification, exhibited by a member who has never previously been awarded any trophy at a Civil War Philatelic Society Exhibition
Jim Montich – “Mississippi 1861: Post Secession Use of US Postage”
CWPS Trustees’ Research Trophy: Awarded for the best exhibit, single frame, or multi-frame, which illustrates new knowledge/understanding of Civil War stamps, covers or postal history, or an extension to existing knowledge.
Leonard Hartmann – “Confederate States of America – The Lithographed General Issues “
The Generals Award at discretion of the judges
Richard Calhoun – “Civil War Postal History of the Virginia Peninsula”
Robert A. Siegel Memorial Award at discretion of the judges
Leonard Hartmann – “Jean de Sperati Fake Stamps and Cancellations of the Confederate States of America Stamps”
William G. Bogg Memorial Award for best exhibit on the Evolution of Civil War Postal History
Wayne Farley – “West Virginia In The Confederacy”
Conrad L. Bush Award for best One-Frame Exhibit of Civil War Material
James Montich – “Mississippi 1861: Post Secession Use of US Postage”
John W. Kaufmann Memorial Award for best exhibit of Civil War Patriotic Covers
Randolph Smith – “Civil War Washington as Seen Through the Drawings of Charles Magnus Lithographer”
“CWPS Service Awards” presented at the Annual Membership meeting on Saturday morning
Haydn Myer Award: for distinguished service to the CWPS during the past 12 months
Frank Crown – Provided in recognition of his support as the CWP Article Coordinator as well as his substantial efforts related to the numerous Provisional and stampless Censuses that he maintains on the CWPS website.
August Dietz Award: for distinguished research and writing in the field of Civil War philately
Kevin Dudley – “A Tale Of Two Postmasters: The Winchester, VA., Post Office During The Civil War 1861-64”
CWP Writers Award: for the best article appearing in the Civil War Philatelist since the last annual meeting
Frank Crown – “The Memphis Due Markings” in the CWP 2024 Q1 issue